Things are A-Bakin'

  1. K burned two hard-drives in one go. Go K!
  2. There has been a freak accident in the house, involving hot chocolate, maple, several cooking dishes and the remains of a turkey.
  3. Twice.
  4. I ate a sheep.
  5. I started writing a novel.
  6. Twice.
  7. Burp.

4 תגובות בנושא “Things are A-Bakin'

  1. 2. There has been a freak accident in the house, involving hot chocolate, maple, several cooking dishes and the remains of a turkey.
    I am assuming this would be maple syrup, and not a maple tree. Correct?
    I ate a sheep.
    An entire sheep?

  2. 4. Was it an electronic sheep?
    5. Were any electronic sheep involved in the novel?

    The Board Against Abuse and Neglect of Electronic Sheep in Service (BAANESS)

סגור לתגובות.