!Fishy, fishy, fishy, fish

Attractions of the day:
1. A new Funkapella site, including many samples of the album's songs, and also a considerable amount of fish
2. A new Funkapella end-of-sample advertizement, recorded ten minutes ago. This new tasteful production joins the first bold artistic experiment, and I've to think of ideas for one or two more of’em soon. Commercials are fun!

Update: and another one!

5 תגובות בנושא “!Fishy, fishy, fishy, fish

  1. Well, I listened to it twice in succession and I still can't figure out most of the lyrics. It's too dense for me, what with all those miniature NYs going "dubba-dubba-dye, dubba-dubba-dye", and it give the impression you despise oriental music (maybe you do and maybe you don't, but that's not really what you want to convey to potential buyers, right?)
    If I were to listen to a Funkapella sample online and get THAT at the end, I'd be surprised, yes, but not purchase-motivated. I got the other ad at the end of the Funky Me sample (it's a different performance than the one you used to have at the old site, right?) and it was much more inspiring.

    Oh, and the people DEMAND that Goldfish Blues returns to the site.

  2. Also – what was is exactly that made the original Funkapella band break up? That's really too bad, since the sound you had as a band was (IMO) far beyond what one can achieve as a one man project. Can you spare some info on the subject?

  3. Thanks for the criticism.
    You're right on two counts. I do despise the Hebrew version of what's called "oriental music" (Egyptian/Turkish), though I don't despise those songs for being "oriental" but rather for being, usually, horrible demonstrations of bad musicianship and writing. There are, of course, exceptions, but unfortunately not too many. I also agree that the sound of the commercial could be somewhat improved. I'll probably do it, risking the Wrath of K, who happens to have very delicate ears, and somewhat less delicate fists. I'm very brave.
    However, I disagree with you regarding the negative impact of this "commercial". It is a parody, and someone who can't understand parody (not meaning you) will not enjoy my album anyway.
    As for Goldfish Blues – this is one of the rare instanced of a migrating song. It migrated from Funkapella to my (relatively) new band, Vocaliens. There exists a new, brilliant recording of it (featuring the same lead singer!), which will be revealed at the right moment. The old version was shredded and thrown to the dogs. I never liked it.

  4. Well, that depends what you mean by the term "Original Funkapella". The first Funkapella song, Arlozorov in 190, was first recorded by myself alone, as preparation for creating the band. Said band, five singers and a drummer, existed for a duration of several month back in '98, as my finalist's project at the Rimon school of music. A year later I was asked by the school to re-group the band for a single show to american donators, which I did, and thus Goldfish Blues and We Are the Funkapella were born. This version of the band consisted of four singers and a drummer, and later recorded the first three non-all-Nir Funkapella tracks – We Are the Funkapella, Goldfish Blues and Arlozorov in 190. Then it disbanded and nothing happened for about a year. The reason for disbanding, in both cases, was mostly that there wasn't enough material for a full-length show. I had to write more, and it took time. Lots of time.
    Then, sometime in the year 2000, former band member Ophir Gal talked me into doing it again. The new band was six singers, one drummer strong, and was the best of the lot. However, we were still just-short of having a full length show, and what's more – we had a real problem managing the whole thing. I can musically-manage anything short of a classic orchestra, but setting rehearsal times drove me crazy. Finding proper places for shows was another issue – still is. We performed in the Red Sea Jazz Festival of 2002, and then we had a show in the Barbie, which was very problematic, technically (I like performing there, but it's simply not the place for Funkapella). After existing for almost 3 years, Funkapella mark III disbanded also. However, most of us are still in contact, and five of the singers can be heard in several songs in the album.
    As for the group-sound – I've no problem with the sound of a one-man-song. In fact, you can listen to the samples and find the difference by yourself. There are several songs there featuring (almost) the whole band.

  5. That pretty much clears it up. Thanks.
    I've actually been hoping Goldfish Blues would resurface as a Vocalien production after seeing Krauss in the crew. However, I must disagree with what you think of the old version – I thought it was downright delighting.

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